Sunday, September 27, 2009

Commentary on...The Creatures

Yes, yes I know it has been an unforgivably long time since the last posting (almost a week! HORRORS) but team, I have used that time productively. And I feel that it is now appropriate to comment on my reading choices of late. Namely, those with a theme of Creatures. In Classic Regency Literature (please note the Capitals - they are for emphasis)

Just so:

I know RIGHT? Totes awesome.

Over the past few weeks, I have had conversations with several naysayers: "Frances" they say, "Old egg - you cannot expect us to take you seriously when you are walking around with this book in your hand bag. In fact, we really don't feel comfortable walking around with you at all. Please go sit over there - next to the woman carrying four different containers of soup on Muni."

Friends, I can understand your hesitation. Why mess with Jane Austen? Do we really need satire OF satire? With plenty of zombie fun to be had here, here, and here, do we really need zombies in another medium?

The answer is yes.

The thing I enjoy most about these books is the fact that the tone is kept consistent. As calmly as the sisters Bennett might discuss the weather, they discuss the merits of various patterns a cauliflower garden might be laid out, to better lure in the bands of zombies that roam the countryside (zombies being ably distracted by the resemblance of cauliflower to brains). As Marianne Dashwood frets over the attentions of Willoughby, Colonel Brandon frets over Marianne (while the elder Elinor Dashwood looks on, repulsed by the tentacles that Colonel Brandon has encrusted over the bottom half of his face, courtesy of a sea witch's curse). I am entertained by the juxtaposition of the two worlds - the Regency England that Austen satirized, and the Creature-filled England by which the new contributors satirize Austen.

I appreciate a classic as much as the next. Indeed, I cannot abide the thought of a zombie or vampire eeling along next to Jeeves, suggesting various sock and jacket combinations to Bertie. However, at this time, I feel that the world was ready for a re-interpretation of Austen. And I must say that the entertainment gained from these books makes me want to re-read a few Austen classics.

And really - until they release "Emma: Matchmaking Amongst Werewolves - A Field Guide" I shall just have to re-read Persuasion, in its original Austen form.

EDIT: I must admit, I also enjoy how "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" rolls off the tongue so pleasantly, and the alliteration in "Sense and Sensibilities and Sea Monsters" is really quite awesome, but I have not yet come to a decision on the rhyming in "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Zombie Jim". I'll let you know.

EDIT Part Deux: I really am not even going to comment on the DISGRACE that was the Bears on Saturday. Seriously. I don't want to talk about it.

1 comment:

  1. Fran, really....c'mon =D Although I do think that this was brillinalty written, in no way have you convinced me to read these ridiculous books... why you ask, because Pride and Prejudice is fine just the way it is!!! *sigh* i love you fran!
