Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Sometimes, I am made of awesome
OMG they were amazing. I've been more-than-is-healthy obsessed with Smitten Kitchen for the past few days. Her argument about how 97% of things are better homemade than what you pay $4.00 for at Starbucks or Mrs. Fields is absolutely true. Splittin' 'em with The Blonde, and bringin some to work tomorrow before flyin' up to Portland for The Big's wedding.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
It's HOLMES homes! (Sorry)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Movie Review: The Losers
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tuesday is Music Day!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Notes from Today (and possibly earlier)
Friday, May 7, 2010
Fantastic News
Sounds like a good plan to me.
There's even a new fan page on Facebook. CHECK IT OUT.
But the best part? THE BEST PART IS THAT WE ARE ALREADY ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS FOR A NEW BOOK. Yes people. A book that will be PUBLISHED. In hard copy. It's pretty amazing.
De Facto Publishing is an independent, non-profit publishing house located in San Francisco, California. We are currently accepting submissions for a compilation of short stories.
We are looking for short stories centered around women in their twenties in California, those qualifications being the only limits for subject matter. We are interested in stories about work, families, homes, cooking, friends, relationships, sunglasses, your dog, new shoes--any sort of subject matter, as long as it pertains to the human experience of being a woman in her twenties in California. Your age doesn't matter, your gender doesn't matter- the point is to write a story that relates to being a woman in her twenties in California, whether it's personal experience, a witness account, a theory about it, or what you anticipate.
This is not a paid gig! This publishing house, as a non-profit company in an industry where the bulk of the revenue is generated by the top 50 publishing houses in the industry, exists to promote literature! What you will get is industry recognition and something for your portfolio.
Submissions are accepted in physical form only. Keep the story 10-20 pages, print it, and send it in a manila envelope with your contact information on the first page to:
PO Box 26367
San Francisco, CA
Twitter @DeFactoPub
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
On the Internet
Monday, April 12, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
On Projects.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Pretty. Awesome.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
A Dinner Party
Macaroni in an Extra Sharp Cheddar and Gruyere sauce with nutmeg and paprika
Mushrooms in a Marsala Reduction
Pao de Queijo
Green Salad with Blood Oranges & Apples with a fresh vinagrette
BV's Rutherford Cabernet Sauvignon
The Company:
3 neuroscientists, a professor of economics at Johns Hopkins, an entrepreneur, and (for the purposes of this post) an editor.
The Music:
Everything else:
We ran out of dining chairs, and so 2 of our illustrious company were camping out on office chairs. The boys decided it would be fancier if we ate in the living room so we crammed the table in between the couch and the stereo. This meant that we were constantly clambering over the couch. We also ran out of plates...and one person jerry-rigged a "plate" out of a pot lid upended over a bowl. We didn't have enough wine, so people resorted to PBR.
It's like...we know what class is...and we aspire to it! We just couldn't...quite...make it.
Dinner was awesomely fun though. And delicious.
PS. I love that I am tagging this as both "Awesome" and "Fail"
Friday, March 19, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
On Friendship...and Lemons
"What ho!" I said.
"What ho!" said Motty.
"What ho! What ho!"
"What ho! What ho! What ho!"
After that it seemed rather difficult to go on with the conversation."
The Blonde:. Please. I look like an oompaloompa. you should have seen me this morning. i scared myself.
me: are you orange with green hair?
The Blonde: i could be
me: are you 4 foot 5?
The Blonde: maybe
me: hmm in that case i don't think i can call you the situation anymore.
The Blonde: waaaaaaaait
me: im sorry. The situation cannot be 4 foot 5 with orange skin and green hair. i mean one of these symptoms maybe but all three? i dont think so.
The Blonde: hahahaha
me: id have to send you off to go work in a chocolate factory and sing silly little rhyming songs
The Blonde: theeeey scaaaaaare meeeeeee
me: exactly! So if they scare you you cannot be an oompa loompa; no one is afraid of themselves. unless they are a serial killer.
The Blonde: hahahahaha
me: and if you were a serial killer then no WAY would Morgan marry you
The Blonde: GASP
me: and since that is one of your major life goals
The Blonde: this is true
me: it can't possibly be true.
The Blonde: i like your hypothesis
me: you know what you call this? you call this irrefutable logic.
The Blonde: correct dear Watson. that is exactly what this is
me: i know it. im very smart.
The Blonde: you have deduced that I am NOT an oompa loompa and therefore i AM THE SITUATION!. WHAT UP
And now...regarding lemon rolls. I was slightly disappointed because the mother of the author of the recipe declares solemnly after tasting said rolls that "this is the best thing I have ever put in my mouth" Vast exaggeration, and if not then please allow me to introduce you to my Cinnamon Rolls.
However, they were prettttty tasty. And made good use of the meyer lemons that my friend brought me!
Zesty...and I can wait while you are oohing and aahing over my impressive shot.
...maybe it's not that impressive.
You put your ingredients in shot glasses right? No? Just me then. OKAY
Ahh...the finished product:
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Regarding Family Recipes
Or whenever I begged.
It's a good soup! With many vegetables for a particularly nutritious Tuesday dinner. Or it would have been had I not forgotten myself and used an entire stick of butter.
Damn. That was some tasty soup.
Also advice from Grammy when making this soup - "if it doesn't taste good, just add more bouillon!"
Bouillon FTW team. For the win.
NEXT UP - MEYER LEMON MORNING ROLLS - like cinnamon rolls, but with a delicious, lemony filling.
EDIT: I realized this post would be infinitely served if I ACTUALLY POSTED THE FRIGGIN RECIPE. So that all the internet can glory in its deliciousness:
2 cups lettuce, chopped (I used half of the heart of romaine head)
2 cups celery, chopped
2 onions, chopped (tears running down my face, per the usj)
1 carrot, chopped
Saute veggies in
1/2 stick of butter (of if you are, you know, slow of wits, an entire stick)
until you feel like the volume has reduced by approx 20%.
Add 2 cans of diced tomatoes and 4 cups of boiling water (electric kettle = awesome)
Simmer for 30 minutes.
Add 4 cubes of bouillon, salt and pepper to taste. Allow the bouillon cubes to melt and then the soup to simmer up again.
My grandmother says to keep adding bouillon till it tastes good, but this usually happens around 4 cubes.
Carefully ladle into bowls, making a minimum of mess, and present proudly to roommate. The Mav politely inquires as to how much butter is actually in the soup, declares it similar to eating a cookie, and happily consumes for 2nd dinner.
Monday, March 15, 2010
And now for something completely different!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Hi Welcome. I'm Confused. And You Are...?
A Photo Blog
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
January 4, 2010
1) The Twitter thing is consistently broken, so I have tossed it. GOOD RIDDANCE.
2) After YEARS of pining, I have a KitchenAid Stand Mixer. I would say, expect more awesome cooking posts, but considering my abysmal record thus far, I'll just advise keeping fingers crossed.
3) Both Avatar AND Sherlock Holmes were totally and completely worth the ridiculous, non-Cloverdale movie prices.
4) When I was a little girl, I would eat my peas and salad with ketchup.
That is all.