Friday, December 18, 2009
The Importance of Traditions

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Book Club for the Non-Nerdy
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Not tooo Shabby
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Can't. Even. Handle. It.
I'm..I'm just so happy right now.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The HELL Are We Gonna Do with THESE
Monday, November 16, 2009
On Goats

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Another Blog Fail
I find that amusing.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Noodles, and Broth, and Tripe - Oh, My!

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Let the Wild Rumpus Start

Let it be said at the beginning that I haven't seen Where the Wild Things Are. It looks beautifully done, but I just haven't been in the mood.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Even Awesome People Have Off Days
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
And Now...A Word from the Blonde
What up yo? You may all know me as The Blonde - the one who hearts breaking Benjamin and the Sick Puppies. I live quite the adventurous life as a blonde, and I am here today to give you a little taste of what a day in the life of me is like: so swallow whatever you’re drinking...cause you’re about to get blonde-sided.
1) Straight Retarded (aka: Level 1 Blonde Moment or L1BM): Events that occurred when I was alone…thank God.
Example of L1BM....One day I drove past my office 3 times…. straight up, 3 times….which may not seem that bad until I tell you that my office building is BRIGHT YELLOW AND BLUE STRIPES ON THE OUTSIDE! A circus tent, if you will. Most people would notice a circus tent. Like this!
(Not Really)
2) Redic2 (aka: Level 2 Blonde Moment or L2BM): These events occurred around other people, actually involved other people, and/or were said to other people.
Example of L2BM....Here are some classic lines, straight from The Blonde’s mouth
“Skrumchulecent” - meaning… the best thing ever!
“Tooth brush doing” … I couldn’t think of the phrase for brushing your teeth
“We’re gonna bump some fat tunes” meaning listening to the most epic music ever in your sick ride!
“He just got ‘blonde-sided’” (this actually has three definitions)
1) Blonde definition - When a blonde girl is talking and is distracted by a shiny object or whathaveyou.
2) My definition – When I am distracted by a Camaro or a word with too many syllables
3) Male definition - When he is distracted by an attractive blonde girl, losing his train of thought.
3) Epic Failure (aka Level 3 Blonde Moment or L3BM): Ummmm...even I think this one is self explanatory
Example of a L3BM....So everyone has their “bad” days. The car won’t start, etc. My “bad” day, was a straight FAIL. If you happened to look up the word “fail” in the dictionary, you would see my face, doing this:
Here is how it went down:
I woke up on a glorious morning, decided to make some skrumchulecent Peet’s. Who knows what happened, but I spilled all over my clothes. The entire cup. So I changed, said “F-that”, left my cup of deliciousness on the counter and decided I’d probs be better off with a lid of sorts. Perhaps a sippy cup.
I ventured out to Peets and got my triple small non-fat latte and maple oat scone. I then moseyed on to the circus. As I stepped out of my car (NO IDEA HOW THIS HAPPENED) I tipped my latte over and it spilled. Again. All. Down. My. White. Sweater.
So around 12, after finishing what was left of my small ass latte, I needed another caffeine fix, and I thought, you know, might be a good idea to stay away from coffee today….so I went for green tea. Healthy, full of antioxidants. Can't go wrong there, right? WRONG. As I was filling my mug with hot water, from the scalding hot water dispenser, I thought it would be smart to just place my thumb inside the mug. Why you ask? (don’t ever ask a blonde why… there is no logical explanation, it's like asking a dog why he eats his own poop… prolly because he can.
(Photography by Christine Edwards!)
So after icing my scalded thumb, I got a little hungry and remembered one of the reps brought baked goods to the office. So I ventured out into the main office area…and I walked into the table. Glasses popped off my face and landed into the box o’ muffins…. So naturally I tried to play it cool and be like, “oh hey look there’s muffins” when really I wanted to cry a little bit.. But I grabbed the first muffin I saw…which ended up being a banana nut muffin (gag me). So there I was, sitting at my desk, with a burnt thumb, wearing my white/coffee-stained sweater, and waiting to drink my "green tea tropical" because it was too damn hot. I know this why?....because I stuck my thumb in it. Right.
This would condclude my day of EPIC FAILED PROPORTIONS. A day in which all of my “smart” brain cells just said, “Toodles my noodle” and the blondeness caught up with me.
Monday, November 9, 2009
In which there are pirates. No Seriously!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Somehow, Today Still Managed to be Awesome
Friday, November 6, 2009
A Battle Royale
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Happy, Happy Birthday
Namely, that on this day, in 1955, mankind achieved time travel.
Let's hear a word from the great man himself: November 5, 1955! That was the day I invented time-travel. I remember it vividly. I wa standing on the edge of my toilet hanging a clock, the porcelain was wet, I slipped, hit my head on the sink, and when I came to I had a revelation! A vision! A picture in my head! A picture of this! This is what makes time travel possible: the flux capacitor! - Doc Brown
Truly, a great moment in the history of ever.
In the spirit of this international holiday, I offer you the following:
(If you have to guess the source, you have not been paying attention)
Doc Brown: [running out of the room] 1.21 gigawatts? 1.21 gigawatts? Great Scott! Marty McFly: [following] What-what the hell is a gigawatt?
Possibly one of my favorite scenes from the series. Cuz the next line of the movie is
If my cousin, in
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Time Has Come
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Fake Live-blogging for SYTYCD
Tonight, we are trying an experiment here at The Sweetness. It’s called liveblogging. Well, technically it’s fake liveblogging, because 1) we are watching a DVR’ed version and 2) we are skipping commercials. There is really no point to recording my thoughts on commercials. C’mon.
CAT DEELEY: I love you Cat Deeley and your British accent. Gives the whole show a sheen of legitimacy – see American Idol. Although your nude dress makes it seem like you aren’t wearing anything with that above the waist camera shot.
We’ve decided we don’t like Ryan. And his muscles. He runs around with the word “Adonis” tattooed on his forehead.
Adam Shankman – we love Adam Shankman
I feel attacked by Mary’s Earrings.
Dude. Nigel Lithgoe IS a cold hearted snake.
Although it appears that the studios have some sort of heart because BILLY
Noelle is back after injury. I don’t care, except that she is Russel’s partner. And I love Russell.
Fail at Rapping, Noelle.
OOH NEW COREOGRAPHER. I dunno about this whole tennis thing tho.
But Noelle, your voice is annoying and shrill.
So not hard core. Noelle.
Of COURSE it was a winning performance Adam. It has Russel in it. And the coreographer did a Miley Cyrus routine. That had to have been interesting.
So Adam, although you started out liking it…you kinda talked yourself out of liking it…
Mary, you tend to be too tentative. Also, you may or may not be wearing a bra. No. You aren’t wearing a bra. WEAR A BRA WOMAN.
Ha Nigel your joke fell flat. Boo to you Nigel. Boo to you.
Ew God. Victor. Go Away. The Mav thinks he looks like the sort of person who has no consonants when he speaks and just goes so high with his voice as to be beyond the realm of human hearing.
Hehe. I need to use the word “reprobate” more.
Ew. Ashley. It is not ok to be leaving lash marks on your partner’s face from YOUR GROSS SWEATY LONG HAIR.
Ew puddles of sweat. Gross and dangerous.
How many times do they need to bring up the fact that she is married?? WE GET IT.
I love Etta James.
That is a dapper dapper man. And more graceful than a 100 pound girl. Hahaha he is doing all the tricks. Because he can. And is that awesome. And stop with the kissing. It is making everyone uncomfortable.
Adam, when you say “you guys” everyone knows you mean “Jacob”
*sigh* more praise for Jacob. Of course.
Victor and Bianca are that they each think that the other is ANNOYING.
Definitely straining on these lifts there Victor. I feel like she is doing great here tho. But the fact that he is so off is throwing her off too.
CAN YOU FEEL IT. Cat Deeley looks confused. Interesting cricism – he feels like he knew that they were dancing. Very thoughtful and valid. I feel like he really put the nail on the head with what was wrong, on why it felt off.
Uh oh. Another Bollywood. Ho Boy.
Mollee, have you graduated from 8th grade yet? Ew, why are you commentating on your partner’s bathroom habits?
I refuse to call it Molleewood.
OOoh sound effects. Not the best Bollywood we’ve seen. And the ending was kinda weird.
Hahahah it’s the Beatles in a bindhi. That’s funny.
God. Mary's screaming. I’m gonna dive for cover.
The Mav – “couple tweeny bopper” NEW NICKNAME.
Stop trying to vamp Kevin. I feel assaulted by your pursed lips. I get it. You’re hot. Thx.
EW CHANNING AND PHILLIP. Phillip, your grin is creepy. Freakish freakish grin.
Ooh samba. Let’s see if athlete dancer can move her ass. Cuz that’s what it comes down to.
OMG she might have a concussion. Ow Ow OW. How is she not unconscious.
Yes. Struggling. That’s putting it mildly. And yeah, you need to be supportive when you are both..kinda..sucking.
Still concerned about that concussion. Try not to keel over.
Ooh key – criticism gets rid of the grin. Noted.
Channing, you are tilting. Get that checked.
You have got to be kidding me. Ice Cream Paint Job? C’mon.
That was less dancing and…just gyrating. IT WAS I’m sorry.
Kevin. Stop Vamping.
*sigh* The hot tamale train. Of course. I’ll just cover my ears right now.
Kevin. Stop Vamping.
‘You’re like an invertebrate, dahling”
Kevin. Stop. Vamping.
No. It’s not fine if you cry Legacy. It is never ok. In fact, it would be better for everyone if you just went home.
MAN. I hate it when dancer’s that I hate do well. It makes me feel guilty. *grudgingly* That was very pretty.
Peter, I’m glad you are cuter. OOoh Wade Robson. I wait expectantly for your music choice. Also, your explanations don’t make sense. The dancers are confused. NG Wade. Not Good.
YES LOVE THE MUSIC. I knew you would come through.
Cat – this is the first time I have caught sight of your SHOES hahaha. Classier pom poms on the heels.
OMG the Mav is overwhelmed with giggles.
Liked the Tango. Granted, I always love tango. Ahhh
Totes agree with the bottom four.
Interesting choice Bianca for tap. Tootsee roll by the 69 Boys. Damn.
Ok calling it. Phillip and Noelle are going home.
GIRLS: Oh wow. Bianca is going home. After years of trying…
GUYS: Philip Gone.